Work of a master artist


When you wake up in the morning and see this in your back yard, you are reminded that there is no other artist in the world like our God. Genesis 1:1

About Kelly Edwards

I joined our men's Thursday PK group in 2004. We've done Bible studies on everything from prayer to discerning God's will. The studies have been huge in developing my walk with Christ as well as my understanding of the Bible. But just as important is that I have found a group of guys who love one another unconditionally, lift up and support one another unendingly and ultimately provide a level of Godly accountability that is impossible to achieve on your own. For that, I am foreve grateful. Thank you, God, for leading me to this group of Godly men. Amen.
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2 Responses to Work of a master artist

  1. Pat Miller says:

    Kelly, I don’t see where I can add an article.


    • Pat Boline says:

      Once you’ve logged on to the site ( on the left-hand side there should be a column with DASHBOARD at the top. Go down until you see Posts and put your mouse over it and it will bring up several selections to choose from. Pick the New Post option and it will bring up a blank page to enter your text.

      Pat B


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